"I am NOT your friend, I am your Martial Arts Instructor> know the difference."
Hanshi/Sifu Bill Conley
"Maintain good attendance and give your best effort consistently. In short order, that is the formula to progressing and doing well in the Karate By The Sea Dojo System and Organization. Most of all, understand that there is, and should be, nothing free in Life! Definitely not in my Dojo! I don't give Participation Awards for just having two feet and a heartbeat! My students and staff will frequently (quite) hear me say, "Own it - Earn It!" And further to that, regarding life and society today, I also frequently say, "Step Up, or be Stepped On!"
Remember our Dojo Creed: There are two paths one can take in the martial arts: Make excuses, or make the effort. The first will eventually only lead you to the exit door. The latter will lead you to many rewards in your martial arts, and life. Bill Conley, Senior Group Head Instructor 9th Degree Black Belt Over 45 yrs of martial arts experience and commitment |
"Blessed be the LORD my strength, which teacheth my hands to war, and my fingers to fight."
Psalms 144:1
Psalms 144:1
Personal History
Hanshi Bill Conley first began the study of martial arts on October 29, 1978 in Chito Ryu Karate in Black's Harbour, NB under Sensei Nelson Lavigne.
Began cross training with friend and fellow college (NBCC SJ) student Randy Ferguson (Assistant Instructor at the Fu Lynn Chi Academy, Saint John, NB) in Jeet Kune Do Concepts (Original) in 1981 until 1984.
Received the rank of 1st Dan in Chito Ryu Karate from founder and Supreme Master Tsuyoshi Chitose, 10th Dan, in September 1982 on his visit to Canada.
Assisted and trained with Sensei Ken O'Brien (Impact Associates) during East Coast (NB & NS) seminars on Institutional and Corporate Security Tactics & Methodologies in 1983-84.
Received an honorary certification of Advanced First Rank in Jeet Kune Do Concepts in June 1983.
Hanshi C opened his first Dojo May 1984 at the Pennfield Elementary School, Pennfield, NB. The Dojo was called, Shadows of the Warrior.
Started formal training under Shihan John Hahn in Isshin Ryu Karate in January 1986 with an honorary rank of 1st Dan.
Started formal training under Shihan Raymond Brown, 5th Dan in Aikido in January 1986.
Received the formal rank of 1st Dan in Isshin Ryu Karate in April 1986.
Received the rank of 2nd Dan in Isshin Ryu Karate in January 1988.
Received the rank of 1st Dan in Aikido in March 1986. (Shihan Brown)
Received the rank of 2nd Dan in Aikido in February 1988. (Shihan Brown)
Received the rank of 3rd Dan in Isshin Ryu Karate in August 1993.
Advanced First Rank certification in Jeet Kune Do Concepts by the Martial Arts Masters World Federation (MAMWF) in June 2000.
Received the rank of 3rd Dan in Aikido in April 2003. (Shihan Tajiri)
Received the rank of 4th Dan in Aikido in February 2005. (Shihan Shook)
Graduate of the Reserve Law Enforcement Officer’s Course at the Maine Criminal Justice Academy in Vassalboro, ME in May 2003. Employed with Pleasant Point Police Department in Perry, Maine until November 2007.
Opened the IDS Martial Arts Academy on 107B Milltown Blvd. in St Stephen, NB in April 2004. Programs in: Isshin Ryu Karate, Aikido (w/ Tai Chi supplement-ally), and Jeet Kune Do concepts & Fu Lynn Chi Internal Kung Fu.
Upon the invitation of Soke Fusei Kise (10th Dan Kenshin Kan Shorin ryu & Shorinji Ryu, and 9th Dan Okinawa Kenpo Karate) in June 2005, became a member of the Okinawan Shorin-Ryu Matsumura-Seito Karate and Kobudo Federation in September 2005 with the recognized rank of 3rd Dan. Under the direction of Sensei Stan Wilbur, then 5th Dan.
Formed the New Brunswick Karate Dojos Association in October 2005.
Opened the Black's Harbour, NB Dojo in November 2005 under Sensei Jay La King, no longer active. (Now closed)
Moved the St Stephen operation from the down town location to the Milltown United Church Hall in September 2006.
Hanshisei Fusei Kise, during his visit to Bar Harbour, Maine September 22 & 23, 2006, tested and promoted Bill Conley to Renshi with the rank of 4th Dan. Also present was his son Kaicho Isao Kise.
New Brunswick Karate Dojos left OSMKKF formally in January 2007 to become affiliated with the Okinawan Budokai, under Eihachi Ota Sensei, then 9th Dan. At that time Ota Sensei formally recognized Renshi Conley’s rank (4th Dan) and that of his yudansha (Black Belts) and did so through a formal letter addressed to the National Karate Association of Canada.
Under the standard of Sensei Conley, Sensei Bill Adams opened a Dojo in McAdam, NB in January 2007.
Jan 2008 employed with Calais Department in Calais, Maine until November 2014.
New Brunswick Karate Dojos in April 2008 became New Brunswick KO (Karate of Okinawa). Teaching Shorin Kenpo Karate, utilizing the full array of training experience of Renshi Conley with: baseline training in Matsumura Shorin, Matsubayashi Shorin, and Isshin Ryu Karate, Kenpo Speed Hitting, along with supplemental Kobudo/weapons training.
St Stephen Dojo moved to the Milltown Elementary School Gym in September 2008.
Dated 2008; received 5th Dan/Renshi, Shorin Kenpo, from Hanshi Tony Cogliandro, American Kenpo International (post-awarded in 2017).
Opened the St Andrews Dojo at the Vincent Massey Elementary School Gymnasium in September 2010.
Upon the review of the testing board one week prior to the formal test on April 9, 2011 in Windsor, Ontario, under the direction of Hanshi Art Mason, then 8th Dan/Hanshi, Shihan Conley was evaluated for 6th Dan/Renshi. During the test that day, during a late break in the test, the test board and Hanshi Mason felt a 7th Dan/Kyoshi was more in order. A reflection of his then over 30 years in the martial arts, his contributions, impact, as well as his presentation that day and the totality of the martial systems he had experience with and displayed that day. So a second rank certificate was done up and signed. Therefore, on that test weekend Shiahn Conley received two rank certifications: 6th Dan & 7th Dan.
First Aid Certified with Emergency Medical Services of Maine.
Morning announcer at Classic Hits WQDY/WALZ and Program Operations Manager for all of WQDY Inc's radio chain: WQDY, WALZ, and WCRQ FM's in Calais, Maine. (Previous to that, Hanshi Conley over a 20+yr span worked at: WHSN FM/Bangor, ME, C100 FM/Halifax, NS, WHOU FM/Houlton, ME, WKIT FM/Bangor, ME, and CJCJ/Woodstock, NB)
December 28, 2012, retired from Radio Broadcasting after 20+yrs of activity.
Opened a Practical Tai Chi Chuan school in St Stephen, NB, September 2012.
Opened a Practical Tai Chi Chuan school in St George, NB, January 2014.
Opened a Karate Dojo in St George, NB September 2014.
Retired his commission with the Calais Police Department in November 2014.
Turned over command and control of the St Andrews Dojo to Sensei/Junshidoin Brandon Dowling in December 2015.
Closed the After School Karate Program in Baileyville, Maine in December 2015, in preparation for opening a full program in Baileyville in Jan '16.
Opened a Practical Tai Chi Chuan School & A Full Karate Program in Baileyville, Maine January 2016..
In November 2017 became the Canadian Director for American Karate Internationalal (www.akikarate.com) under Hanshi Tony Cogliandro, 10th Dan. Hanshisei Cogliandro is a 1st Generation student, friend & confidant to the Late Founder/Grand Master Ed Parker..
Also in November 2017, became the International President for the re-vamped World Budo Alliance under Hanshi Art Mason.
June 9, 2018, upon his seminar to the Shurikan Dojos membership in St Stephen, NB, Hanshisei/Senior Master Tony Cogliandro,10th Dan and President of the AKI, promoted Shihan Bill Conley to 8th Dan/Hanshi in Shorin Kenpo Karate. Soon after, Hanshisei Cogliandro made Conley a member of the AKI International Senior Council.
August 1, 2018 Hanshi Conley took over command and control of the St Andrews Dojo, and effective Aug 1 '18, Hanshi Conley moved the Baileyville Dojo to Calais, Maine.
April 2022, Hanshi Conley re-opened, restructured under the Dojo name Karate By The Sea. The Dojo in St Andrews, NB.
Sept 2022 re-opened, restructured under the Dojo name Karate By The Sea. The Dojo in St Stephen, NB.
Oct 2023 re-opened, restructured under the Dojo name Karate By The Sea. The Dojo in Blacks Harbour, NB.
Also in Oct 2023 Hanshi C changed the branding of what was to be presented at all the locations. Hanshi C grafted in the elements of Chinese Kenpo into his Okinawan Shorin Kenpo Karate. Renaming the brand of Kenpo taught as, Red Dragon Kenpo.
October 12, 2024, upon his seminar to the Karate By The Sea Dojos membership in St Stephen, NB, Hanshisei/Senior Master Tony Cogliandro,10th Dan and President of the AKI, promoted Hanshi Bill Conley to 9th Dan/Hanshi in Red Dragon (Shorin) Kenpo Karate.
Additionally Conley Also holds: the rank of 4th Dan/Renshi in Aikido with supplemental Yang Taijichuan and the rank of Sigung in Yang Taijichuan (Teacher: Shihan/SIfu Raymond Brown United States Navy Seal Corps. retired Master Chief of the Navy. Multiple tours of duty Vietnam. Shihan/Sifu Brown trained with many great Taiji masters in Taiwan as well as at the Aikido Honbu Dojo in Japan.).
Conley has additionally trained with/attended seminars: Hanshisei Shane Higashi, Sijo James DeMile, Master Zwing-Ming Yang, Master Ting Jue Zhou, Master William C C Chen, Shihan David Akutagawa, Senior Master John LaTourette, Hanshisei Fusei Kise, and his former teacher and friend, Hanshisei Eihachi Ota. Presently with the American Karate International group under Hanshisei Tony Cogliandro.
Hanshi Bill Conley first began the study of martial arts on October 29, 1978 in Chito Ryu Karate in Black's Harbour, NB under Sensei Nelson Lavigne.
Began cross training with friend and fellow college (NBCC SJ) student Randy Ferguson (Assistant Instructor at the Fu Lynn Chi Academy, Saint John, NB) in Jeet Kune Do Concepts (Original) in 1981 until 1984.
Received the rank of 1st Dan in Chito Ryu Karate from founder and Supreme Master Tsuyoshi Chitose, 10th Dan, in September 1982 on his visit to Canada.
Assisted and trained with Sensei Ken O'Brien (Impact Associates) during East Coast (NB & NS) seminars on Institutional and Corporate Security Tactics & Methodologies in 1983-84.
Received an honorary certification of Advanced First Rank in Jeet Kune Do Concepts in June 1983.
Hanshi C opened his first Dojo May 1984 at the Pennfield Elementary School, Pennfield, NB. The Dojo was called, Shadows of the Warrior.
Started formal training under Shihan John Hahn in Isshin Ryu Karate in January 1986 with an honorary rank of 1st Dan.
Started formal training under Shihan Raymond Brown, 5th Dan in Aikido in January 1986.
Received the formal rank of 1st Dan in Isshin Ryu Karate in April 1986.
Received the rank of 2nd Dan in Isshin Ryu Karate in January 1988.
Received the rank of 1st Dan in Aikido in March 1986. (Shihan Brown)
Received the rank of 2nd Dan in Aikido in February 1988. (Shihan Brown)
Received the rank of 3rd Dan in Isshin Ryu Karate in August 1993.
Advanced First Rank certification in Jeet Kune Do Concepts by the Martial Arts Masters World Federation (MAMWF) in June 2000.
Received the rank of 3rd Dan in Aikido in April 2003. (Shihan Tajiri)
Received the rank of 4th Dan in Aikido in February 2005. (Shihan Shook)
Graduate of the Reserve Law Enforcement Officer’s Course at the Maine Criminal Justice Academy in Vassalboro, ME in May 2003. Employed with Pleasant Point Police Department in Perry, Maine until November 2007.
Opened the IDS Martial Arts Academy on 107B Milltown Blvd. in St Stephen, NB in April 2004. Programs in: Isshin Ryu Karate, Aikido (w/ Tai Chi supplement-ally), and Jeet Kune Do concepts & Fu Lynn Chi Internal Kung Fu.
Upon the invitation of Soke Fusei Kise (10th Dan Kenshin Kan Shorin ryu & Shorinji Ryu, and 9th Dan Okinawa Kenpo Karate) in June 2005, became a member of the Okinawan Shorin-Ryu Matsumura-Seito Karate and Kobudo Federation in September 2005 with the recognized rank of 3rd Dan. Under the direction of Sensei Stan Wilbur, then 5th Dan.
Formed the New Brunswick Karate Dojos Association in October 2005.
Opened the Black's Harbour, NB Dojo in November 2005 under Sensei Jay La King, no longer active. (Now closed)
Moved the St Stephen operation from the down town location to the Milltown United Church Hall in September 2006.
Hanshisei Fusei Kise, during his visit to Bar Harbour, Maine September 22 & 23, 2006, tested and promoted Bill Conley to Renshi with the rank of 4th Dan. Also present was his son Kaicho Isao Kise.
New Brunswick Karate Dojos left OSMKKF formally in January 2007 to become affiliated with the Okinawan Budokai, under Eihachi Ota Sensei, then 9th Dan. At that time Ota Sensei formally recognized Renshi Conley’s rank (4th Dan) and that of his yudansha (Black Belts) and did so through a formal letter addressed to the National Karate Association of Canada.
Under the standard of Sensei Conley, Sensei Bill Adams opened a Dojo in McAdam, NB in January 2007.
Jan 2008 employed with Calais Department in Calais, Maine until November 2014.
New Brunswick Karate Dojos in April 2008 became New Brunswick KO (Karate of Okinawa). Teaching Shorin Kenpo Karate, utilizing the full array of training experience of Renshi Conley with: baseline training in Matsumura Shorin, Matsubayashi Shorin, and Isshin Ryu Karate, Kenpo Speed Hitting, along with supplemental Kobudo/weapons training.
St Stephen Dojo moved to the Milltown Elementary School Gym in September 2008.
Dated 2008; received 5th Dan/Renshi, Shorin Kenpo, from Hanshi Tony Cogliandro, American Kenpo International (post-awarded in 2017).
Opened the St Andrews Dojo at the Vincent Massey Elementary School Gymnasium in September 2010.
Upon the review of the testing board one week prior to the formal test on April 9, 2011 in Windsor, Ontario, under the direction of Hanshi Art Mason, then 8th Dan/Hanshi, Shihan Conley was evaluated for 6th Dan/Renshi. During the test that day, during a late break in the test, the test board and Hanshi Mason felt a 7th Dan/Kyoshi was more in order. A reflection of his then over 30 years in the martial arts, his contributions, impact, as well as his presentation that day and the totality of the martial systems he had experience with and displayed that day. So a second rank certificate was done up and signed. Therefore, on that test weekend Shiahn Conley received two rank certifications: 6th Dan & 7th Dan.
First Aid Certified with Emergency Medical Services of Maine.
Morning announcer at Classic Hits WQDY/WALZ and Program Operations Manager for all of WQDY Inc's radio chain: WQDY, WALZ, and WCRQ FM's in Calais, Maine. (Previous to that, Hanshi Conley over a 20+yr span worked at: WHSN FM/Bangor, ME, C100 FM/Halifax, NS, WHOU FM/Houlton, ME, WKIT FM/Bangor, ME, and CJCJ/Woodstock, NB)
December 28, 2012, retired from Radio Broadcasting after 20+yrs of activity.
Opened a Practical Tai Chi Chuan school in St Stephen, NB, September 2012.
Opened a Practical Tai Chi Chuan school in St George, NB, January 2014.
Opened a Karate Dojo in St George, NB September 2014.
Retired his commission with the Calais Police Department in November 2014.
Turned over command and control of the St Andrews Dojo to Sensei/Junshidoin Brandon Dowling in December 2015.
Closed the After School Karate Program in Baileyville, Maine in December 2015, in preparation for opening a full program in Baileyville in Jan '16.
Opened a Practical Tai Chi Chuan School & A Full Karate Program in Baileyville, Maine January 2016..
In November 2017 became the Canadian Director for American Karate Internationalal (www.akikarate.com) under Hanshi Tony Cogliandro, 10th Dan. Hanshisei Cogliandro is a 1st Generation student, friend & confidant to the Late Founder/Grand Master Ed Parker..
Also in November 2017, became the International President for the re-vamped World Budo Alliance under Hanshi Art Mason.
June 9, 2018, upon his seminar to the Shurikan Dojos membership in St Stephen, NB, Hanshisei/Senior Master Tony Cogliandro,10th Dan and President of the AKI, promoted Shihan Bill Conley to 8th Dan/Hanshi in Shorin Kenpo Karate. Soon after, Hanshisei Cogliandro made Conley a member of the AKI International Senior Council.
August 1, 2018 Hanshi Conley took over command and control of the St Andrews Dojo, and effective Aug 1 '18, Hanshi Conley moved the Baileyville Dojo to Calais, Maine.
April 2022, Hanshi Conley re-opened, restructured under the Dojo name Karate By The Sea. The Dojo in St Andrews, NB.
Sept 2022 re-opened, restructured under the Dojo name Karate By The Sea. The Dojo in St Stephen, NB.
Oct 2023 re-opened, restructured under the Dojo name Karate By The Sea. The Dojo in Blacks Harbour, NB.
Also in Oct 2023 Hanshi C changed the branding of what was to be presented at all the locations. Hanshi C grafted in the elements of Chinese Kenpo into his Okinawan Shorin Kenpo Karate. Renaming the brand of Kenpo taught as, Red Dragon Kenpo.
October 12, 2024, upon his seminar to the Karate By The Sea Dojos membership in St Stephen, NB, Hanshisei/Senior Master Tony Cogliandro,10th Dan and President of the AKI, promoted Hanshi Bill Conley to 9th Dan/Hanshi in Red Dragon (Shorin) Kenpo Karate.
Additionally Conley Also holds: the rank of 4th Dan/Renshi in Aikido with supplemental Yang Taijichuan and the rank of Sigung in Yang Taijichuan (Teacher: Shihan/SIfu Raymond Brown United States Navy Seal Corps. retired Master Chief of the Navy. Multiple tours of duty Vietnam. Shihan/Sifu Brown trained with many great Taiji masters in Taiwan as well as at the Aikido Honbu Dojo in Japan.).
Conley has additionally trained with/attended seminars: Hanshisei Shane Higashi, Sijo James DeMile, Master Zwing-Ming Yang, Master Ting Jue Zhou, Master William C C Chen, Shihan David Akutagawa, Senior Master John LaTourette, Hanshisei Fusei Kise, and his former teacher and friend, Hanshisei Eihachi Ota. Presently with the American Karate International group under Hanshisei Tony Cogliandro.
Those (below depicted) that most influenced Hanshi Conley's martial arts background, through their tutelage, and with many, a still strong friendship.
My Years of Martial Arts
On Oct 29th (1978), it was on a Tuesday, and on that cold, windy Tuesday night over forty-five years ago a young, skinny 14yr old (me) was waiting (with a group of others) outside the entrance door to the lobby of the Black's Harbour School gym. I had heard a week ago prior, that someone had just started a karate class in Black's Harbour, NB. There had never been anything like that there before.
Soon a 1976 white Monte Carlo pulled in the school driveway. Stepping out was a tall slim, silver haired man with a mustache (Sensei Nelson Lavigne). Everyone started shuttling in the entrance door (as the janitor had finally arrived to let everybody in, who was my aunt BTW!) and as Sensei Lavigne walked by me, I asked, "Can people still start?" He said simply, "Yes," as he held the door for me. I shuttled in past him and so, my martial arts life>identity>began and has continued.
First a thank you for putting up with me thru all my martial arts studies/activities> my wife Kelly!
Thank you to all my past direct teachers:
Sensei Nelson Lavigne, my first teacher, in Chito Ryu Karate
Randy Ferguson, Fu Lynn Chi & Jeet Kune Do Concepts
Shihan John Hahn, 6th Dan Isshin Ryu & Matayoshi White Crane Kenpo
Shihan/Sifu Ray Brown, 5th Dan Aikido
Sensei Stan Wilbur, 7th Dan Matsumura Seito Shorin Ryu Karate
Sensei Nate Mason, 5th Dan Matsumura Seito Shorin Ryu Karate (Who got me thru all the Matsumura Katas!)
And those that have inspired me thru being able to see/train with them:
Hanshi Shane Higashi, 10th Dan Chito Ryu Karate
Hanshisei Tsuyoshi Chitose, Founder and 10th Dan Chito Ryu Karate
Hanshi Tatsuo Yamaguchi, 9th Dan Eishin Ryu Kenjutsu
Sijo James W DeMile, Founder of Wing Chun Do and one of Bruce Lee’s first students in Seattle, WA
Master John LaTourette, 10th Dan Parker American Kenpo
Hanshisei Fusei Kise, Headmaster/10th Dan Matsumura Seito Shorin Ryu Karate
Hanshi Isao Kise, 9th Dan and Heir to Fusei Kise Matsumura Seito Shorin Ryu Karate
Hanshi Eihachi Ota, 10th Dan Matsubayashi Shorin Ryu Karate
Hanshi Art Mason, 9th Dan Kyusho Jitsu International and Kosho Ryu Kenpo Karate
And presently, Hanshisei Tony Cogliandro, 10th Dan Parker American Kenpo, Founder/President American Karate International (AKI)
Last, but not least, a thank you to all my students and black belts, past and present> you are and have always been my strength and pride for all you do.
Humble regards and lasting gratitude,
Bill Conley aka Hanshi C
Soon a 1976 white Monte Carlo pulled in the school driveway. Stepping out was a tall slim, silver haired man with a mustache (Sensei Nelson Lavigne). Everyone started shuttling in the entrance door (as the janitor had finally arrived to let everybody in, who was my aunt BTW!) and as Sensei Lavigne walked by me, I asked, "Can people still start?" He said simply, "Yes," as he held the door for me. I shuttled in past him and so, my martial arts life>identity>began and has continued.
First a thank you for putting up with me thru all my martial arts studies/activities> my wife Kelly!
Thank you to all my past direct teachers:
Sensei Nelson Lavigne, my first teacher, in Chito Ryu Karate
Randy Ferguson, Fu Lynn Chi & Jeet Kune Do Concepts
Shihan John Hahn, 6th Dan Isshin Ryu & Matayoshi White Crane Kenpo
Shihan/Sifu Ray Brown, 5th Dan Aikido
Sensei Stan Wilbur, 7th Dan Matsumura Seito Shorin Ryu Karate
Sensei Nate Mason, 5th Dan Matsumura Seito Shorin Ryu Karate (Who got me thru all the Matsumura Katas!)
And those that have inspired me thru being able to see/train with them:
Hanshi Shane Higashi, 10th Dan Chito Ryu Karate
Hanshisei Tsuyoshi Chitose, Founder and 10th Dan Chito Ryu Karate
Hanshi Tatsuo Yamaguchi, 9th Dan Eishin Ryu Kenjutsu
Sijo James W DeMile, Founder of Wing Chun Do and one of Bruce Lee’s first students in Seattle, WA
Master John LaTourette, 10th Dan Parker American Kenpo
Hanshisei Fusei Kise, Headmaster/10th Dan Matsumura Seito Shorin Ryu Karate
Hanshi Isao Kise, 9th Dan and Heir to Fusei Kise Matsumura Seito Shorin Ryu Karate
Hanshi Eihachi Ota, 10th Dan Matsubayashi Shorin Ryu Karate
Hanshi Art Mason, 9th Dan Kyusho Jitsu International and Kosho Ryu Kenpo Karate
And presently, Hanshisei Tony Cogliandro, 10th Dan Parker American Kenpo, Founder/President American Karate International (AKI)
Last, but not least, a thank you to all my students and black belts, past and present> you are and have always been my strength and pride for all you do.
Humble regards and lasting gratitude,
Bill Conley aka Hanshi C
Rank Certifications of interest and reference:
Other Certifications & Awards Supplemental
Karate By The Sea Kenpo & LIONHEART Kenpo Jeet Kune Do are divisions of Conley's Martial Arts