Be A Lion!
Metaphorically speaking, there are essentially three types of people, when I use the following animal analogy. They are: Sheep, Hyenas/Jackals, and Lions. Their number within our population exponentially goes down as you progress from the first to the last.
The Sheep are the largest, in number, of our population. They're the ones who are scared easily and want to be taken care of and controlled. They were raised in captivity, caged, and have become accustomed to being taken care of by their handlers, as an example, they're fed, their housed, and yes they're slaughtered too. But of course, the sheep don't think about that, or even aware, they are just as comfortable and happy to be controlled, caged, to eat the feed/gruel given them, and to walk around in their pens.
The Sheep are the largest, in number, of our population. They're the ones who are scared easily and want to be taken care of and controlled. They were raised in captivity, caged, and have become accustomed to being taken care of by their handlers, as an example, they're fed, their housed, and yes they're slaughtered too. But of course, the sheep don't think about that, or even aware, they are just as comfortable and happy to be controlled, caged, to eat the feed/gruel given them, and to walk around in their pens.
The Hyena & Jackal are devious creatures. They survive by being thievish, and as scavengers. They are the criminal elements in our society. And I would also direct their description towards politicians and others who have agendas, corporate leaders and so forth who want to be a puppeteer to control, harass, and manipulate . They come off as being strong and tough, but they'll run at the first exchange with something greater than them. They are much fewer in numbers than the sheep but can be dangerous. The hyena/Jackal would like nothing better than to see the lion gone! Then they would be the alpha predator and top of the food chain. Free to steal, manipulate, and indiscriminately destroy.
The Lion, well, they are the fewest in the population. They are the strongest, they are the ones that the hyenas and Jackals run from, as do the sheep. The lion stands for freedom liberty, strength, fighting for something that one believes in, and will protect their own to farthest extremes! Lions unlike sheep, are not created to be caged. Cage a free lion and it will destroy it. (Even the ones born in captivity are only a shell of their line.) The lion exists, and co-exists with its environment, by its code of family, the pride. The lion lives and functions independently on the open plains. Free...
- Hanshi/Sifu C
The Lion, well, they are the fewest in the population. They are the strongest, they are the ones that the hyenas and Jackals run from, as do the sheep. The lion stands for freedom liberty, strength, fighting for something that one believes in, and will protect their own to farthest extremes! Lions unlike sheep, are not created to be caged. Cage a free lion and it will destroy it. (Even the ones born in captivity are only a shell of their line.) The lion exists, and co-exists with its environment, by its code of family, the pride. The lion lives and functions independently on the open plains. Free...
- Hanshi/Sifu C
Karate By The Sea & LIONHEART Kenpo Jeet Kune Do are divisions of Conley's Martial Arts